On Tuesday afternoon at work the radio was on but I wasn't really listening to it. I was sitting in the little closet that we generously call my office when my coworker, Monique, spins around and exclaims "the Wichita fire department put out a burning bush!!!" her eyes filled with amusement and surprise. I tuned in immediately to where she was going with "uh..aren't ya supposed to take your shoes off and listen??" We had a good laugh as I continued with "I've been looking for one of those things for years and they go and break out the water hose....are you kidding me??" VERY funny stuff! We have continued to laugh and joke about it, but I have to admit.........it made me think.
For years I have said to God "Can I PLEEAASSEE just have a burning bush??? Moses got one, and he was no more perfect than I am.....PLEEEEAAASSEE????" Every time I have been faced with a tough situation and seeking answers...not necessarily as to why, but simply as to what action to take next, this has been my plea with God. My friend Debby has told me many times that I've been given "burning bushes" I just don't always see them as such. My argument to that has and will probably always be that I don't want a figurative version, I want the real deal.....ya know, the kind with flames and God's audible voice telling me exactly what He wants. I get tired of waiting patiently (okay, let's be real I know I don't wait patiently) for signs that I have to figure out or that still small voice that I'm often too busy talking to hear. So, seriously, can I just have a talking, burning bush??? Moses got one, why can't I?? Sounds like a bratty child doesn't it? Like when Kelly got a bunny but I couldn't get a puppy, or like when Lizzi gets to stay out later than Abi.....
Truth be told, Moses argued with God. Seriously! Burning bush and all.....he argued. He felt inadequate to do what God was asking him to do and he gave God every reason he could think of to get out of it. Moses-"I stutter" God-"I'll send Aaron to do the talking" Moses-"no one will believe me" God-"I will perform signs and miracles so they will believe" Moses-"Please send someone else" In fact, he argued with God to the point that God was flat ticked off and ready to kill him (literally). By the time he finally accepted that arguing with God was futile, he was in his eighties when he went to Egypt and confronted Pharaoh. The journey that followed was a rugged and amazing forty year hike through the wilderness, where God provided for all of the needs of His people and yes, continued to reveal Himself in miraculous ways.
So, I have to wonder......what would happen if God really appeared in a burning bush today? I'm gonna guess that I would probably argue just like Moses did. I argue with the figurative burning bushes in my life and I argue with the still small voice too. It seems like God is forever trying to drag me out of my comfort zone. He's always challenging me to think outside of the box and allow Him to reveal Himself in ways we might not expect. When I shut up and quit arguing I am continually amazed and I wonder why I ever hesitate........but I do, until I stop and think about the fact that I don't want to wait until I'm eighty to get started on what God has planned for me. Quite frankly, by the time I'm eighty I would like to be relaxing some place warm and sunny, or better yet, in heaven. And honestly....in this day and age.....I have to admit that if He appeared in a burning bush.......odds are the fire department would put a quick end to it. Sounds crazy, but think about it for a moment. Would you stop to listen if you saw a burning bush? Or would you grab the water hose without giving it a second thought?
I will confess that I am learning to appreciate the figurative burning bushes in my life, and I'm getting better at recognizing them. I can't say I don't argue....I shouldn't, but I still do sometimes. What I CAN say, though, is that I've learned that tremendous peace comes from obedience. I'm learning how limited I really am by myself, but (as Pastor Rick put it this morning) when I am "connected to the power source" and allow the Holy Spirit to take over amazing things happen. I worry less, celebrate more, and the next right step is always figured out for me all I have to do is obey. (Preferably before I'm EIGHTY!)